Social Network Guidelines
Using the social networks of Postigo Vergel, S.L in Facebook, Instagram and Youtube is subject to the following terms and conditions.
Our goal is to provide useful, interesting content about our entity and foster an open, transparent, and respectful dialogue about the questions and issues posed by the users, while always treating them with respect.
Social networks are open instruments and by nature, it is not logical to restrict the flow of comments, posts, or images, etc. Therefore, as a main premise, we must clarify that the content provided by the users is exclusively their responsibility. We cannot be held responsible for the opinions users may publish or the truth or accuracy of the content they post.
We would also like to emphasize that social networks are owned by each provider—we use them just like any other user. We will establish confidentiality profiles and usage regulations where possible but we will always be doing so as users ourselves.
For this channel to be useful for everyone, we all need to respect some basic rules. Before participating, please read the usage guidelines below carefully:
- Social networks are public and users must assume that the content published therein may be seen by other users (depending on the restrictions that the user sets in his/her privacy settings as well as those automatically incorporated by the tool).
- All opinions, comments, and news that the user publishes must contribute to the general principle of an information exchange. In no case shall controversy or defamation of third parties be permitted. If any of these situations occur, we reserve the right to eliminate the post on our profile. Likewise, we will eliminate any type of information that we consider illegal or that could cause damage either to us or to the other users.
- The information published by the user should not be redundant and identical content may not be posted more than once. Do not forget that the content of your comments should be related to the website’s purpose.
- This profile may not be used for commercial activities, professional promotion, or any other kind of advertising. It also may not be used to look for work.
- If the user publishes his/her own material, he/she should be aware that by simply posting this material to our profile, he/she is giving us the authorization to use it. We would like to remind users that given the characteristics of social networks, we and any other user can access this material. For our part, we undertake to cite the author of the material if we use it in the future.
- Logos, corporate information, and any other content that we publish are our property and we therefore reserve the intellectual and industrial property rights. Users must respect these principle.